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Cardinal Floor Covering™

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  • Scottsdale, AZ 85260
  • 480-348-9999

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    Five Solid Reasons To Contact Scottsdale Retail Flooring Contractors Today

    When entering into brick and mortar establishments, one of the very first things that people notice is the flooring. Whether its threadbare, dirty, or discolored, your floors can have a negative impact on your customers and prospective customers. It can even make the wrong impressions on your stakeholders. At Cardinal Floor Covering™, we want to share five solid reasons to contact Scottsdale retail flooring contractors today.

    New hospitality flooring installation could be key to both making conversions and holding onto your existing clientele. If your entryway floors aren’t appealing, your clients may assume that your entire establishment is underwhelming and ill-maintained. Beautifying your flooring will help you entice more people to purchase your services. It will also inspire positive word-of-mouth advertising.

    Working with hotel carpet installers on a relatively routine basis is also key for preventing trip and fall hazards. Busy hotel floors see a lot of foot traffic. This ongoing wear can lead to ripped, raised edges and other protrusions. We can replace your worn carpeting with a flooring system that lays flat and won’t cause people to lose their balance. Staying on top of this essential building maintenance is essential for fulfilling your duty of care and avoiding liability issues.

    Complete your other recent upgrades with new floors. Whether you’ve just installed new artwork and new furnishings or have just finished interior painting, new floors will give your establishment a perfectly polished look. They will also minimize your maintenance. If you’re tired of sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming to make substandard flooring look its best, try new floors instead.

    Installing new floors is also a great way to boost employee morale. Your threadbare carpets have an impact on your workers, too. With new flooring, you can create a bright, uplifting environment that people love being in. To check out our current catalog of commercial flooring options or schedule a consultation, get in touch with Cardinal Floor Covering™ now!

    Contact Us

    Please use the form below to send us an Email. We can also be reached at 480-348-9999. We look forward to hearing from you.

    • 7625 E Redfield Rd, Ste 100
    • Scottsdale, AZ 85260
    • 480-348-9999

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